Human Rights and Equity Programs

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8AM-4:30PM. To file a complaint, call (703) 324-2953 to be scheduled for an intake appointment via telephone or videoconference.
703-324-2953 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 318
Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael L. Simms

February 7, 2024 Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting
2/07/2024 7:30 pm


Commissioner Crawford

Commissioner Hudson

Commissioner Shumaker

Commissioner Salinas

Commissioner Conde



Commissioner Malik

Commissioner Ashby

Commissioner Supinger

Commissioner Bhinge

Commissioner Bokhari



Commission Chair Crawford called the Wednesday, February 7, 2024, Commission Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.

Approval of Agenda:  It was moved by Commissioner Conde and seconded by Commissioner Shumaker that the amended agenda for February 7, 2024, be approved. The Motion passed with unanimous vote. 

Approval of MinutesIt was moved by Commissioner Crawford and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the January 17, 2023, meeting minutes be approved as presented. The motion passed with majority vote, with Commissioner Conde, Shumaker, and Hudson abstaining.


STAFF ISSUES: Discussion with the Fair Housing Taskforce Representatives- Collen O’ Connor, Leo Leduc and Claudia Villa introduced themselves to the commission and discussed with the commissioners about the task force meetings and wanting to join with the commissioner to share to the community what resources the commission has to offer.  Acting Director Mike Simms will set up a meeting with Amanda and go over bylaws and set up an outline for them to come to a solution and present them to the commission.



HRC# 2023005H/HUD# 03-24-4299-8: FIR- Hasley, Kitty v. Manchester Lakes II Apartments, LP et al.:  It was moved by Commissioner Shumaker and seconded by Commissioner Conde that the complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Fairfax County Fair Housing Act has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

HRC# 2023073H/HUD# 03-23-3918-8: FIR- Schmickel, Daniel v. Shouse Village Community Association.:  It was moved by Commissioner Hudson and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Fairfax County Fair Housing Act has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

HRC# 2023042H: CONCILLIATION- Winston, Rosemary v. PP Ridgeline Investors LLV, et al.: It was moved by Commissioner Shumaker and seconded by Commissioner Crawford that the conciliation agreement this matter be accepted as presented.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

HRC# 2023081H/HUD# 03-24-4308-8: TESTING CONCILIATION- Fairfax HRC v. TWO Van Metre et al.: It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Hudson that the conciliation agreement in this matter be accepted as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

HRC# 2023082H/HUD# 03-24-4301-8: TESTING CONCILIATION- Fairfax HRC v. Renters Warehouse DC (Fairfax Co).: It was moved by Commissioner Shumaker and seconded by Commissioner Conde that the conciliation agreement in this matter be accepted as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.


COMMUNITY CONCERNS:  Upcoming Outreach Events- a list was made with upcoming events, one of them being the Annual Fair Housing Month Event in which acting Director Mike Simms would like a approximate number of commissioners who will attend so that they may take the group photo to be uploaded on the website.






 The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

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